Thursday, October 18, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8

8. Akshara Brahma Yoga: Yoga of Imperishable Brahman.

Life, as we know, is a function of matter, energy, and intelligence with time and space as a measure of its survival. The intelligent life on earth has always questioned this existence and has probed the origin of all creation in the cosmos. For the relief of the knowledge gatherers, Krishna incites the thought of a supreme entity.
Chapter 8 is a knowledge gatherers archive of data and information. Arjuna asks Krishna 7 different questions;
  •  What is Brahman? 
  • What is Adhyatma?
  •  What is the action?
  • What is called Adhibhuta?
  •  What is said to be adhibhūta, and who is said to be Adhidaiva?
  •  How is he the Adhiyajña?
  • How are you known at the time of death by the self -controlled person?

The Supreme, the Imperishable is Brahman.  Its existence as the embodied soul is called Adhyatma.  Action pertaining to the development of being is called Karma.  Perishable entities are called Adhibhuta.  The cosmic being is called Adhidaiva. Krishna is called the Adhiyajña in this body.  At the time of death, whoever quits his body remembering Krishna alone, at once attains his nature.
Time and space become an illusion for an observer monitoring energy in the absence of matter. Light is then the only entity that would exist as a measure of life with death and intelligence having no platform to exist but to get defused with consciousness. This would identify ‘The Supreme, the Imperishable Brahman.’ Krishna is supreme or consciousness.
This chapter reminds the reader that the Bhagavad Gita is an archive of information nearly true to modern research and it means that one should cling to knowledge in a single-minded commitment. Yes knowledge is the supreme 
Some interesting scientific facts (knowledge) on consciousness that will help you understand the Bhagavad Gita :

  • Now that the dual nature of light as "both a particle and a wave" has been proved, its essential theory was further evolved from electromagnetic into quantum mechanics. Yes! Einstein also rejected the conscious theory in the famous paradoxes of quantum physics, such as the double-slit experiment and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Both of these show that the behavior of particles changes when we observe them. When science could not explain the observation in the double-slit experiment, Einstein reluctantly accepted the conscious theory.                                    
  • Consciousness At the Cellular Level: The Experiments of Cleve Backster .                  To me, this is yet one more demonstration that consciousness is part of reality. The data is completely consistent with this theory.  It is yet another piece of science that provides us clues to the nature of consciousness.
  • Could an ancient virus be responsible for human consciousness? Scientists claim our ability to have thoughts may have evolved from alien genetic code over the past half billion years  The claims are made in two separate papers published in the journal Cell, produced by international teams of researchers led by the University of Massachusetts and the University of Utah.
  • Biologists Believe Trees Can Communicate, There’s a Language to Be Learnt. Many people may find it hard to perceive that its true but trees communicate with one another constantly below as well as above ground using sound, scents, signals, and vibrations.
  • “Is it possible that consciousness may exist by itself, even in the absence of matter, just like gravitational waves, excitations of space, may exist in the absence of protons and electrons?” asks Andrei Linde, Russian-American theoretical physicist and the Harald Trap Friis Professor of Physics at Stanford University. “Will it not turn out, with the further development of science, that the study of the universe and the study of consciousness will be inseparably linked, and that ultimate progress in the one will be impossible without progress in the other?”
  • Recently, Princeton physicist Edward Witten, who has been compared to Isaac Newton and Einstein, addressed the problem of human consciousness. Witten is largely responsible for the popularity of string theory over the past several decades. String theory holds that all of nature’s forces stem from infinitesimal particles wriggling in a hyperspace consisting of many extra dimensions.
Modern physics is looking for a unitary field of consciousness to explain the consistency of the laws of nature.

8. Me and My Gita

Arjuna did not identify the real Krishna so Krishna had to describe to him Brahman, (Bhram) the cosmic consciousness. In the space-time continuum - energy, matter, and intellect, reciprocates to get the job done ending in destruction or death. One entity that cannot be destroyed is the intellect or consciousness or the individual soul or the Adhyatma. This is controlled by an unknown action called Karma.
In chapter eight Krishna confirms that he is the cause and effect of all actions. For every beginning, there is an end and only humans with an activated consciousness or intellect have the ability to recognize death. Krishna puts a claim in this chapter that he is the ultimate, Brahman (Bhram) or cosmic consciousness.

Death is inevitable for all who are born - then why the existence? When God (Bhram), the individual soul and the supreme soul are acknowledged as a mystic reality, then only will this riddle be solved.
  • Do you believe that there is a superior power over us?
  • Did you ever experience supremacy - that which is extreme and that all actions don’t lead to desirable rewards? 
  • If beginning and end is a norm of existence then analyze your happiness, sadness, prosperity, suffering, good, bad and the ugly.
  • Would you endorse on a ritual, for an auspicious month (Shravan Mass) that promises to destroy all that you desire - or not?

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