Monday, December 3, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18

Moksha Sanyasa Yoga: Yoga of Liberation by Renunciation

Bhagavad Gita concludes with the reality of the cosmic existence.

  • In the beginning there were two fields under the spotlight ending with multiple fields.
  • In the space-time continuum energy and matter are arranged with intelligence in an orderly manner. 
  • Cosmic nature of all entities also has the same cosmic qualities (Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic) and it holds the entire universe under the authority of a self-stimulating computable consciousness or Krishna. 
This is to inspire the Yogis and the students of the Gita to adapt to the changing universe and  Krishna is identified as the supreme personality of Godhead. Bhagavad Gita as a brief to stimulate your intellect while emerging into the consciousness
The Vedic universe has the knowledge of sciences of all that existed. The knowledge gatherers of today are rediscovering the same with more convincing logic. 
Sciences have accepted that there are The Four Fundamental Forces of nature with variable strengths
  1. Gravitational Force – Weakest force; but an infinite range.
  2. Weak Nuclear Force – Next weakest; but short range.
  3. Electromagnetic Force – Stronger, with infinite range.
  4. Strong Nuclear Force – Strongest; but short range.

     Science also understands that the smallest particle in the cosmos also obeys certain principles, rules, and laws. Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic levels. The nature and behaviour of matter and energy at that level is sometimes referred to as quantum physics and quantum mechanics.

     ➽Quarks, leptons, neutrinos, and even the hypothesized dark matter all have masses as a property inherent to them. Objects made out of these particles, like protons, atoms, and human beings all have mass, too. As a result, they can approach, but never reach, the speed of light in a vacuum. No matter how much energy you put into them, the speed of light, even in a vacuum, will forever be unattainable.

      ➽How do we explain everything that ever existed?
String theory, sometimes called the theory of everything, is mathematically elegant but experimentally unproven framework for uniting Einstein's theory of general relativity with quantum mechanics. String theory suggests that all the particles that make up the universe are not really dots but one-dimensional strings that vibrate — and the differences in those vibrations allow us to see one particle as a photon and another as an electron.
In order for string theory to be a viable explanation for the universe, however, it must incorporate dark energy
Why should quantum computers be faster?
Conventional computers obey the laws of classical physics. They rely on the binary numbers 0 and 1. These numbers are stored and used for mathematical operations. In conventional memory units, each bit -- the smallest unit of information -- is represented by a microscopic dot on a microchip. Each of these dots can hold a charge that determines whether the bit is set to 1 or 0.
In a quantum computer, however, a bit can be both 0 and 1 at the same time. This is because the laws of quantum physics allow electrons to be in multiple places at one time. Quantum bits, or qubits, thus exist in multiple overlapping states. This so-called superposition allows quantum computers to perform operations on many values in one fell swoop whereas a single conventional computer typically must execute these operations sequentially. The promise of quantum computing lies in the ability to solve certain problems significantly faster

Note the relation of a bit 0 and 1 variable in a conventional computer and quantum computer. Can you imagine the science of 'Jay’s science of self-stimulating computable consciousness.' Our best model of particle physics explains only about 5 percent of the universe.
It is with science and the ancient Vedic knowledge that the Bhagavad Gita has stood the test of time. Chapter 18 explains the meaning of renunciation and the effects of the modes of nature (cosmic qualities) on consciousness and their activity. Krishna explains Brahman (self-stimulating computable consciousness) for the realization of the glories of the Bhagavad Gita and brings it to an ultimate conclusion. Decisively Krishna defines a perfect Yogi and that no one or nothing is free from the effect of the cosmic principles, rules, and laws.
To obey and understand the cosmic arrangement, the intelligent life is so created to do useful work with sanyās and tyāg. Sanskrit words, sanyās (renunciation of actions) and tyāg (renunciation of desires). Both words come from roots words meaning “to abandon.”  For an obedient Yogi, there is a reward offered by Krishna and that is Moksha. Moksha consists in securing lasting freedom from the bondage of mundane existence in the form of birth and death. All matter is a function of the Tamasic (materiality) mode and hence for a self-realized Yogi, who can finally convert all matter into energy creating a domain where time and space become an illusion and finally in the absence of energy, his so-called skilled intellect diffuses with consciousness.
1.      Solid
2.      Liquid
3.      Gas
4.      Plasma: It is ionized gas ( eg : the flame of fire)
5.      Bose-Einstein condensate: This is a state of matter that befalls very close to absolute zero.
6.      Neutron degenerate matter: It is sometimes called neutronium and is the densest state of matter. This is a highly compressed state of matter which every so often occurs in the cores of massive stars.
7.      Quark- gluon plasma: This is a state of matter with the maximum energy level.

There are many different types of energy, which all fall into two primary forms – kinetic and potential. Energy can transform from one type to another, but it can never be destroyed or created. The different types of energy include thermal energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, electrical energy, motion energy, sound energy, elastic energy, and gravitational energy.

Turning Light into Matter May Soon Be Possible. Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 has proved, mass can get converted into energy and vice versa. For instance, when an electron meets its antimatter counterpart, a positron, they annihilate each other, releasing photons, the particles making up light.

The abode of Krishna is in the absence of space, time, matter and energy have only consciousness as the residue of the cosmic reality. 
Thus the conclusion when Krishna says that you will come to me is a valid statement. In the space-time continuum the stimulated intellect in the absence of matter and energy will be absorbed by consciousness. Krishna is consciousness.
A universal energy theory in Jays Parallel Universe
Thus it confirms that Krishna is the self-stimulating computable consciousness in the cosmic science and Krishna is Brahman in the philosophy of the Sanatan Vaidik Hindu Dharma.

 18. Me and My Gita

The closing chapter is a summary of the entire Gita. Arjun initiates the topic of renunciation of actions and desires. Krishna recommends, that sacrifice, charity, penance, and other acts of duty should never be renounced, for they purify even the wise. Rather renounce the fruits of these actions.
Chapter eighteen also discusses how the attitude or temperaments or Gunas create differences among individuals in their capacity to sacrifice, in their wisdom, in their actions, courage, and happiness. Krishna winds up the chapter with an appeal to offer all actions to him.
The narrator Sanjay had his last day. He said that where there is constant intellectual awareness accompanied by action, fortune and victory, welfare, and morality are assured.

Sanjay describes the self-realized persona (Yogi) who desires fortune, victory, welfare, and morality but abstain from the rewards of it, which is the finale of the Bhagavad Gita. A brilliant conclusion!
The climax of the Gita was reached in chapter eleven. The seven chapters that followed thereafter are for the untamed mind that cannot comprehend that there is a mystical existence of a higher entity guiding the humankind and that one has to be a devotee for that realization with sanyās and tyāg.
  • The logic of the argument in the Gita is Krishna hence the reader, a student, researchers and a devotee will finally comprehend the truth in the ending chapters. He then becomes a yogi or a self-realized person. That was our initial claim in going through the Gita.
  • Did you ever read things without comprehension and criticized the contents than later realized that your understanding was diverse? Did you ever read something again and while maturing get a complete comprehension and process the facts as knowledge or wisdom?
  • If you have ever done so then you have all the characters of a yogi. To be a perfect yogi you are recommended to read the Gita in all situations of your life with aging and you will be qualified, yogi.
  • Shravan month is recommended as there is protective of the aura around you with the family and friends in a devotional mindset with celebrations and festivities. There is a divine energy field in the mind, body, and soul stimulating your intellect so that you are introduced to the universal consciousness or truth.
  • Krishna is “constant intellectual awareness” and Arjuna is “action”. If this is what you remember then Gita is a handbook of great living only to identify Sat (truth) Chit (consciousness)  and Anand(happiness) as concluded by the Sanatan Vaidik Hindu Dharma. You have a choice to make, Gita is full of choices.
II Jai Shree Krishna II

The sense-horses and the mind-charioteer
"Know the self as a rider in a chariot,
and the body, as simply the chariot.
Know the intellect as the charioteer,
and the mind, as simply the reins.
The senses, they say, are the horses,
and sense objects are the paths around them....
When a man lacks understanding,
and his mind is never controlled;
His senses do not obey him, as bad horses, a charioteer."
*Upanisads*, trans. Patrick Olivelle (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996), pp. 238-239. [From the Katha Upanishad.]
Note: In the Katha Upanishad, a chariot is described with 5 horses (5 sense organs). In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna’s chariots have 4 horses. Here lies a contradiction of that one sense in each individual having the knowledge to be contained, leaving the lasting 4 to be disciplined at all times. The parable of the chariot in Katha Upanishad is an example of how a man can attain the right destination in his life through control of the mind and the senses.
Jay's Cosmic self-simulating computable Universe

The forces of nature-horses and the Consciousness-charioteer
Consciousness as charioteer
Energy as a rider in a chariot
Matter as the chariot
Four horses- The Four Fundamental Forces of nature (Gravitational Force Weak Nuclear Force Electromagnetic Force Strong Nuclear Force)
Path around the horses are the 100 billion galaxies it travels
Rein is a self-stimulating computable langue (software) with the particles having zero mass and zero energy (vibrating strings rather than particles.) as communicators.

Note: There are 5 Fundamental Forces of nature (Gravitational force, Weak Nuclear force Electromagnetic force Strong Nuclear force and the Higgs force).The Higgs Force (an extremely weak force, not yet observed, which we expect to be present, now that a [and perhaps the] Higgs particle has been discovered and the existence of the Higgs field thereby confirmed.)  The Higgs force is of course associated with the Higgs field and particle.
It is my hypothesis that if the total energy of the universe is constant then there is a force that is also constant. Which is that force?
Newtonian physics has given the gravitational force to be the constant force acting on all cosmic entities allowing us the space travel.
Quantum physics should also have a force which is constantly allowing it to have a constant energy in a closed domain, knowing that the amount of energy is directly proportional to the photon's electromagnetic frequency and thus, equivalently, it is inversely proportional to the wavelength. The higher the photon's frequency, the higher its energy, Photon energy can be expressed using any unit of energy and when objects collide, contact forces transfer energy so as to change the objects' motions. When two objects interact, each one exerts a force on the other and these forces can transfer energy between them. Fields contain energy that depends on the arrangement of the objects in the field.
There is a constant cosmic force that will give orderliness to the many sciences prediction, hypothesis, and laws which we have formulated with many observations and experimentation over the years. Here is another thought that discusses the many theories of the fifth force.

Scientists may have discovered fifth force of nature, laboratory announces

With appearance of mysterious new particle X17, will physicists have to call time on hunt for dark matter?
It is thought that the moment the atom decays, excess energy among its constituent parts briefly creates a new unknown particle, which then almost immediately decays into a recognisable positron and electron pair. 
But we are not all about to be turned inside out or flattened into a different dimension. The unknown particle, described as a “protophobic X boson”, is thought would carry a force that acts over microscopic distances not much greater than that of an atomic nucleus.
 A “boson” is a particle which can carry forces.
The particle has been named X17, as its mass is calculated to be 17 megaelectronvolts.....more..
In Jay's Cosmic self-simulating computable Universe, the four horses represent the 4 main forces of nature excepting that Higgs's force is negligible. This similarity of the chariot analogy of the Katha Upanishad and the Bhagavad Gita suits the analogy of the chariot with Jay's Cosmic self-simulating computable Universe.

OM has been the only mystical sound or vibration or some undefined entity in science. Yet Vedanta has described OM with many philosophical definitions but is not accepted in the western world.
The Bhagavad Gita concludes with OM as the only truth known to the intelligent mind. I conclude that the string theory explains OM uniquely. A tachyon is a hypothetical particle that can travel faster than the speed of light but OM is a vibrating string rather than particles. This is what can travel many times faster than the speed of light. This is the fundamental hypothesis for the theory of “Jay's Cosmic self-simulating computable Universe.” 

What is string theory plain and simple?
Hand-in-hand with the question of quantum gravity, string theory attempts to unify the four forces in the universe — the electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and gravity — together into one unified theory.
What is string theory of the universe?
String theory is a potential “theory of everything”, uniting all matter and forces in a single theoretical framework, which describes the fundamental level of the universe in terms of vibrating strings rather than particles.

What is a tachyon or tachyonic particle?

A tachyon or tachyonic particle is a hypothetical particle that always moves faster than light. Most physicists believe that faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known laws of physics. Wikipedia
tachyon is any hypothetical particle that can travel faster than the speed of light. The concept is an invention of O. M. P. Bilaniuk, V. K. Deshpande, and E. C. G. Sudarshan in 1962.

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 17

17. Shraddhatraya Vibhaga Yoga: Yoga of the Division of the Threefold Faith
In the Bhagavad Gita chapter 14 Krishna describes the three Cosmic Qualities (Sattvic, Rajasic, and  Tamasic ) which holds the entire universe and all under their authority. Krishna also reveals that these three qualities compose Cosmic Nature. This cosmic nature is the primal source and origin of the entire creation and all things in it. Hence all things created are subjected to their influence and irresistible power.  Therefore the three entities we know off: the Stars, Dark Matter and the Life on Earth has the same Cosmic Nature and should have the same Cosmic Qualities
One has to understand the evolution of the universe in its own sciences. The evolution of the material universe seems to have taken place in a well-defined succession of events with the three Gunas.
1.    Sattvic -consciousness or the computable logic
2.    Rajasic -power, or the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events and the Scientific Definition- Power is the rate (energy amount per time period) at which work is done or energy converted.
3.    Tamasic –materiality, which includes dark matter or all material self-replicating entities

Krishna says that every entity is created with an inclination to either sattva, rajas, or tamas. The distinctions between the gunas are made quite apparent in chapter 17. Sattvic is, of course, the ideal state, Rajasic is perhaps the most destructive and tamas is a root of disconnection. The bulk of the chapter is the analysis of faith, food, sacrifice, charity, and penance. Yajna or sacrifice represents our duty towards the realization of truth.

In the space-time continuum a mystical unit or vibration (OM) and the three Cosmic Qualities integrated to form cosmic elements or principles, rules and laws. That was the beginning of all creations and when the disturbance continued and successive created elements collided among themselves creating more and more complex elements or principles, rules, and laws. Thus all had a beginning and an end.
Everything in the created universe is a function of the three cosmic qualities and a catalyst (OM) repeatedly carried on and still carries on. The changing universe is continuously maintained in an infinite cyclic order giving an illusion that it does not have a beginning and an end.
Krishna finally says that
‘Om is truth ‘

17. Me and My Gita

Krishna with his intuitive mind knows that what matters the most is the attitude of a person. He further elaborated on the topic with faith, food, sacrifice, and strictness. He does not recommend any of the attitudes (good, bad, or the ugly) but leaves it to the choice of the knowledge seeker.
In chapter seventeen Krishna very cleverly introduces the secret of his control with the universal vibration AUM. He explains that ‘Aum is the truth’, he is the syllable Aum and has not changed since the beginning of time  In science AUM is vibration and thoughts are now analyzed to define Aum in quantum physics. 
  •   Krishna does not mention anywhere in the scripture what not to do.
  •   A word is around, sayRam, Ram’ and one can do the things you are not supposed to do. Ram will forgive your mistakes. Now that is called faith! Do you support this view?
  •  So Gita is a book of knowledge, Albert Einstein found the definition of a black hole. Dr. Carl Sagan solved the riddle of time. What have you found?
  •  For me and my understanding: Bhagavad Gita is "The only scripture in the world that describes a visual image of GOD and for science the black hole"
Chapter 11 of the Bhagavad Gita stimulates your audio-visual senses to understand the cosmic image of Krishna. In chapter 15, it stimulates your intellect to understand the conscious working of the Universe where Krishna is identified as consciousness; the supreme personality of God Head or Purna Purushottam or grand Self or Brahman in the domain of the cosmos and chapter 17 has a language of consciousness to interconnect. (A unified field that carries a vibration classified as OM or the langue of the creator.)

Could consciousness all come down to the way things vibrate?
Over the last decade, my colleague, University of California, Santa Barbara psychology professor Jonathan Schooler and I have developed what we call a “resonance theory of consciousness.” We suggest that resonance – another word for synchronized vibrations – is at the heart of not only human consciousness but also animal consciousness and of physical reality more generally. It sounds like something the hippies might have dreamed up – it’s all vibrations, man! – but stick with me.

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16

16. Daiva Asura Sampat Vibhaga Yoga: Yoga of the Division between the Divine and the Demoniacal Traits
 From the previous chapter, it is understood that the soul is a function of energy and Krishna mentions that all souls are a part of his energy and returning to the source ought to be the goal of all energy.

Creation: a Bright flash of light at the moment of conception.
Human life begins in a bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing ‘fireworks’ on film. An explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception. Scientists had seen the phenomenon occur in other animals but it is the first time is has been also shown to happen in humans.
“To see the zinc radiate out in a burst from each human egg was breath-taking.”
Professor Teresa Woodruff, Northwestern University
Not only is it an incredible spectacle, highlighting the very moment that a new life begins, the size of the flash can be used to determine the quality of the fertilized egg.
Researchers from Northwestern University, in Chicago, noticed that some of the eggs burn brighter than others, showing that they are more likely to produce a healthy baby.
 Unfortunately, some of this energy corrupts itself and became addicted to experiencing the same reality repeatedly. Krishna further explains that many beings are lost returning so to enjoy new realities of material existence fulfilling their every desire. Many of them are addicted and lost in the maze-like structure similar to that of the tree, which appears to have no beginning or end. Krishna advocates that it is within every person to choose to return to the source. It has always been about choice – to give up desires, which are temporary – and to return to the source.

The result of the choice is in chapter 16 where we find that the entire mankind has been classified into two categories Daivic (Divinely good) and Asuric (Diabolically fallen). Duality is the theme of the Bhagavad Gita. Yogi has a choice to make and obey the cosmic reality. In doing so he has to come to terms with a singular choice to recognize Krishna by returning his gifted soul and provides a solution that the only way to return to the source, the beginning, is by learning to control one's desires. Desire to return to the source should be the only desire and all other desires should be eliminated.

The knowledge gatherers has yet a choice to make from the intellectually stimulating scriptures  which should be the authority in determining what should be done and what should not be done. Bhagavad Gita has identified Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga as an inspiration for Krishna realization.

16. Me and My Gita

Krishna talks of the good guys and the bad guys. He tells Arjuna of the values, taming of the mind and body with a disciplined ritual through meditation and penance to be the good ones. God (Truth) realization and the knowledge of cosmic realities make one saintly. The bad guys are the slaves of their desires, pleasure-seeking bodies and disobedient mind. Their attitude is ugly and destructive. The minds are confused and intolerant with a result they live a life of misery.
In chapter sixteen Krishna has not much to say but makes Arjuna aware of the knowledge of the scriptures and its use to educate the intuitive mind.

Having seen god and defined god one has to arise for self-realization and opt a path of good living. God-realization is very important for human life, as it’s the most intelligent species in the animal kingdom. Humans are becoming the custodians of life on planet earth having the knowledge of the creator.
Then why are we living a confused life in the absence of truth, action, knowledge, peace, and righteousness?
  • ·         A self-realized person will rectify the path of living so that he can pass on a gene of superior knowledge for the upcoming generations.
  • ·         Do you think that all this is garbage as it does not give you any rewards, benefits and material wealth. Would you then say, without all this Shravan junk you still have a beautiful working partner, a very highly paid job, a yearly vacation of your choice and a pension scheme for old age? You prefer the banana outlook as that’s what’s in fashion. Banana- outside the look of a Hindu with a white culture inside.


Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15

15.Purushottama Yoga: Yoga of the Supreme Spirit
Krishna claims his equitable position as God and explains the cosmic truth. The duality is now synthesized as singular entities by describing himself as the finite and the infinite at any given time. It also transforms you from the time-independent domain to a time-dependent domain.
In chapter 15, Krishna uses allegory and metaphor to describe a map of a cosmic communication network, by comparing it to a special tree (banyan) with roots high up and braches flowing down. These branches are cosmic passageways that transport all his controls to different realities in space-time and are insignificant in the material world, as they have no physical form "na rupam". 
 Krishna’s abode is of singularity; absence of matter and energy and or the beginning of creation (Prakriti) from which all entities stems. Krishna describes himself in the three planes of existence that we know off when the multiple of all duality is focused in a singularity where Krishna is known as Purna Purushottam.
Krishna repeatedly comes back to the idea of the grand Self or Brahman; the eternal lord which is beyond all things immediately spiritual or physical. It is a power we will never know and the source of everything. It is, of course, interesting that Krishna revealed himself to Arjuna in Chapter 11 before he discusses this grand power so that we know the physical form that this grand manifestation takes.
 ⏩  I conclude to say that Vasudev means the lord of the universe (vishv ka deva विश्व का देव )
 ⏩   Chapter 11 of the Bhagavad Gita stimulates your audio-visual senses to understand the cosmic image of Krishna. In chapter 15 it stimulates your intellect to understand the conscious working of the Universe where Krishna is identified as consciousness; the supreme personality of God Head or Purna Purushottam or grand Self or Brahman in the domain of the cosmos.

15. Me and My Gita 
Krishna tells Arjuna that he is the only man with all the attributes of perfection and excellence to control life and the cosmic existence. The knowledge in the scriptures is his divine grace obtained from an external source. Krishna confirms that he is the “Supreme Divine Personality” in control of the three planes of existence and at any given time he is instantaneously present on all three planes busy with action. Krishna finally confirms that he is GOD (Purna Puruṣhottam) with all the attributes of a great man. 
16 Kalas of Krishna

Chapter fifteen confirms that Krishna was the only incarnation that perfected the representation as Parabrahma or Paramatma. The 16 Kalas of Shri Krishna are the divine arts or attributes of Shri Krishna that makes him Purna Puruṣhottam or Awatar

  • “Wow! Krishna is GOD (Generator, Operator, and Destroyer) that boastful egoistic, bossy and big talk guy from the Bhagavad Gita.” An interesting expression you would hear from an alienated Hindu.
  • Believe it or not, Krishna is the supreme personality of Godhead.
  • II Jay Shree Krishna II

Krishna in the three worlds as the unchanging controller and supporter of all living beings;

  • Life on earth is made up of intelligence, energy and matter (mortal or physical plane); hence the son of Vyasudeva, Krishna was called Bhagvan.
  • In the absence of matter (immortal or astral plane) he (it) is called Parameshwara 
  • In the absence of energy and matter (Divine or celestial plane) he (it) is the son of Vyasudeva (activated consciousness) called Parabrahma or Paramatma He (it) is Consciousness, the absolute 
1. Solid
2. Liquid
3. Gas
4. Plasma: It is ionized gas ( eg : the flame of fire)
5.  Bose-Einstein condensate: This is a state of matter that befalls very close to absolute zero.
6.  Neutron degenerate matter: It is sometimes called neutronium and is the densest state of matter. This is a highly compressed state of matter which every so often occurs in the cores of massive stars.
7.  Quark- gluon plasma: This is a state of matter with the maximum energy level.

There are many different types of energy, which all fall into two primary forms – kinetic and potential. Energy can transform from one type to another, but it can never be destroyed or created. The different types of energy include thermal energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, nuclear energy, electrical energy, motion energy, sound energy, elastic energy and gravitational energy.

Turning Light into Matter May Soon Be Possible. Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 has proved, mass can get converted into energy and vice versa. For instance, when an electron meets its antimatter counterpart, a positron, they annihilate each other, releasing photons, the particles making up light.

Jayram Daya  quickly traverses time and space to bring you what was planned for the human beings when created and their relationship to the nature. Charts give sample breakdown of key elements and creation of species. Existence Downloaded, Activated, Operated, Terminated.
Jayram Daya ISBN 978-1-920526-35-1 Quickfox Publishing South Africa 
Creation: Bright flash of light at moment of conception.
Scientists Just Captured Something Extraordinary At The Moment Of Fertilization

Photo credit: The newly discovered human "zinc spark". Northwestern News/Duncan et al. 2016 
Sparks really do fly when the magic happens. At the exact moment, a sperm penetrates an egg, the latter releases billions of zinc atoms from its surface which spark off. Using fluorescent microscopy, these sparks emit a light, which can then be filmed. The discovery that human egg cells undergo this process could lead to new ways for doctors to identify viable eggs for in vitro fertilization (IVF).
“It was remarkable,” explained Teresa Woodruff, one of the two senior authors of the paper published in Scientific Reports. “We discovered the zinc spark just five years ago in the mouse, and to see the zinc radiate out in a burst from each human egg was breathtaking. All of the biologies starts at the time of fertilization, yet we know next to nothing about the events that occur in the human.”
The scientists were able to image the zinc sparking off the human eggs by injecting them with an enzyme released by the sperm when they hit the egg in normal circumstances. They weren’t allowed to use actual sperm due to restrictions on human research under federal law, but previous studies using mouse eggs and sperm have shown the same thing happens. The enzyme from the sperm triggers the calcium in the egg to increase and the subsequent release of zinc.
This zinc then attaches to small molecules that in turn emit light in fluorescence microscopy experiments. This means that when the sperm hits the eggs and it releases billions of zinc atoms, there can even be a tiny flash of light. This is the first time that researchers have established that this process not only happens in other mammals but also occurs during human fertilization.
In the development of an embryo, the level of zinc contained within an egg can have important implications in how the newly fertilized embryo grows. With the discovery that the sparks produced by the eggs are a direct marker of how much zinc they contain, it could give fertility doctors a new method in which to choose the best eggs with the highest chance of survival to be used for IVF.

“There are no tools currently available that tell us if it’s a good quality egg,” says Dr. Eve Feinberg, one of the paper's co-authors. “Often we don’t know whether the egg or embryo is truly viable until we see if a pregnancy ensues. That’s the reason this is so transformative. If we have the ability up front to see what is a good egg and what’s not, it will help us know which embryo to transfer, avoid a lot of heartaches and achieve pregnancy much more quickly.”

A fluorescent flash captures the moment that sperm enzyme enters the egg Credit: Northwestern University  

Monday, November 12, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14

14. Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga: Yoga of the Division of the three Gunas

Knowing the science of the soul, the knowledge of the three cosmic qualities is of prime importance as it holds the entire universe and all creations under its control. Krishna reveals three Cosmic Nature as it’s the primal source and origin of the entire creation and all things in it. The individual soul is also bound to the body by these three qualities present in the cosmic nature. Brilliantly Krishna brings about creation through the help of his Nature ( Prakriti)  with the threefold qualities
 In chapter fourteen, Krishna explains that material nature is constituted of three modes (guṇas) — sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas (ignorance).For a focused mind and controlled senses, he describes the qualities that a true devotee must-have. You have a choice to make if you desire to know Krishna.
Krishna as a metaphor for Cosmos, creation preservation and destruction holds the entire universe together, for Krishna is the originator of all that exists and has a power to evoke human emotions. The three modes are the key to understand cosmic harmony. This is the ultimate arrangement of Krishna for all that is in the universe he preserves. When we refer to cosmic consciousness, it is none other than Krishna.

How are the three modes comparable to the Universe?
Depending on which guna dominates, an entity will have different challenges. Looking at the billions and billions of stars in the Milky Way, one wonders their existence. They all can’t be possessing one mode for its designated life span if so there will be no synchronization with each other. The three cosmic qualities have been arranged in an orderly manner so that creation, preservation, and destruction are in command for the existing universe. The three cosmic natures create the true representation of the cyclic universe in existence with the replicating life having the same formula. Aum and the self-replicating Universe

14. Me and My Gita

This chapter describes the nature of the material energy, which is the source of the body and its elements, and is thus the origin of both mind and matter. Krishna explains that material nature is constituted of three attitudes (temperaments) good, bad and the ugly
In chapter fourteen, Krishna wants Arjuna to know that the three attitudes of nature are the steering factors of the material body. Krishna explains the benefits and drawbacks of the three attitudes good, bad and ugly. (The triple gunas, sattva, rajas and tamas- goodness, passion, and ignorance)

We make statements and decisions to be politically or socially correct while hiding the truth, it’s always a dilemma! In the eyes of society you could be the ugly one but in fact, with the theories of truth and action, you are the good guy.
  • You have a choice to make, who you want to be, a good guy, a bad guy or the ugly one?
  • Do you know the good, bad and ugly attitudes of your mind and body? 
  • Did you have a choice or were they inculcated by desires and the family?
  • Now that you are aware of it, would you meditate on solving the disturbing ones?
  • One needs at least 40 days to implement a new mindset. If you have extended the 30 days of Shravan, congratulations - you have the will of a disciplined Yogi.