Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5

5.Karma Sanyaasa Yoga :Yoga of Renunciation of Action

In the duality of Karma Yoga (yoga of action) and Jñāna Yoga (the Yog of Knowledge) contradiction and confusion dominate the argument. The master of Yoga reminds you that the different paths lead you to the same destination and hence are alike, you make your choice. When the end justifies the means the many paths will become one and the realization of truth will absorb the pairs of opposites in a singular entity. Renunciation of the fruits is that brings the paths of knowledge as well as action to the desired objective without duality in the making of a perfect Yogi, where intellect advocates consciousness in a divine interaction.  

In the fabric of the cosmos, time and space do not exist. Time and space are for an observer who monitors the existence of matter, energy with consciousness. In the absence of matter and energy consciousness is the one without a domain or limitations. You may call it infinite but in defining infinite one considers a beginning. Bhagavad  Gita says it very clear that an entity that does not have a beginning or an end is the only one that can exist without dependence and that is consciousness, atman or Krishna. This is what god realization is all about.
This chapter prepares you for renouncing the fruits of action with the awakening of your intellect purifying your transcendental knowledge and to attain peace, detachment, forbearance, spiritual vision and bliss.

Truth has many branches yet has one trunk with many roots.

The phrase “God-realization” in the Gita gives the reader a religious implication. To make the phrase universal let us replace it with Truth realization or consciousness

Chapter 5. Me and My Gita
Krishna finally comes to that situation and tells Arjuna that action and knowledge are the accumulated accolade of many functions, meant for the evolving person to be a Yogi. The very first yoga introduced to Arjuna is Karma Yoga.
In Chapter five Krishna repeats many points of view that concludes in the action of the righteous persona, described having rejuvenated his mind and body to stimulate the soul, to be activated by the universal consciousness.

Every verse in the Bhagavad Gita is Yoga. Did you ever find similarity or differences with those you liked or disliked relating to yourself or your family, society or your community, in the verses of the Bhagavad Gita, you read and understood?
  • Why do you think that Karma Yoga is recommended?
  • Did you understand the foundation and the structure of Karma Yoga?
  • Do you have a mentor, guru, leader or scripture to erase your doubts?

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