Friday, September 21, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita,Chapter 2

2.Sankhya Yoga 

This chapter allows you to identify, your pairs of opposites with your body and your Atma (Consciousness) as a divine relationship, enlightening the cosmic wisdom. With a realization that the surviving consciousness after the death of the body is not accessible for transaction since there is no medium through which it can express itself. To understand this you have to engage in a study of philosophy with a Master disciple relationship similar to Krishna and Arjuna. Duality is the character of Sankhya philosophy—the analytical study of matter and spirit

Chapter two’s ultimate message is that there is no death.
  • No one is truly born or dies.
  • Birth and death only belongs to the body.
  • You are immortal in your inner Divine nature as consciousness.
  • Atma or the soul has one to one relationship with consciousness.
  • Duality becomes personal and you are encountered with you and you’re self with attachments to the senses and desires.

Here is where modern Science confirms the science of the Vedas. There is no death!  


Researchers claim to have discovered proof for past universes may exist in the night sky – specifically the leftovers of black holes from another universe. As stated by New Scientist, the notion is grounded around something called conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC). Conformal Cyclic Cosmology is the theory that our universe goes through continuous cycles of Big Bangs and compressions, negating the possibility of having initiated from a single Big Bang.

The 5 physical features of consciousness:
Consciousness is not a part, product, property of the body. Or of the purified body - That is to say, the material substance of which the universe appears to be constituted is really nothing but pure Spirit/Consciousness.
Consciousness is an independent principle which pervades the body.
Consciousness is housed in the illusion of space and time
Consciousness does not have a beginning or an end.
Consciousness exists in ‘all’ but ‘all’ do not exist in Consciousness (All - the phenomenal universe - including all time and space or cosmos.)

The genesis of the Gita on the battlefield is one of the most captivating stimuli for a human brain. All life is a battle between the many dualities within you and your fields. Dual series - such as "I and Thou" (self and God), "I and it" (self and the world), and so on, also it means "Self and not-Self". Then you realize that life is not a simple face-off between the pair of opposites, dharma, and adharma, good and evil, good or bad, truth and untruth, success and defeat, black and white, positive and negative, living and dead. On a battlefield death is inevitable and that’s the one you fear the most
Chapter 2. Me and My Gita

Krishna does not hesitate for a moment and infiltrates into the mind of Arjuna with selective objective issues that trace the lives of an intellectual mind. Arjuna is insistent on his dogmatic issues of social and ritualistic customs to justify his words not to fight, with an argument that allows Krishna to dominate the talk with Arjuna’s rejections. In other words, Krishna tells Arjuna to shut up and listen.
Krishna then explains the theories of truth in relation to the mind, body, and soul (Atma). Costumes, rituals and social values have no place in a man’s life when he has to perform his duties. As a warrior death, desires and attachment are secondary.

Chapter two is about a conflicted mind with inward and outward actions. The awareness of the Atma(soul) is an inward experience and as for the rituals they are outward actions.

➤Do you understand yourself?

➤Are religious functions, prayers, fasting, puja, reading of scriptures, etc. “mere” rituals?

➤So what do you gain by performing “mere rituals “? Some will argue to say that we will acquire concentration of mind, discipline, non-attachment, will power, humility and so on.

➤But rituals are not necessary for one who has realized the self. 

➤Do you have that Knowledge

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