Saturday, September 29, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4

4. Jnana Karma Sanyaasa Yoga

Chapter four evokes logic in Duality with Atman and Dharma. Atman is the prime motivator of action and Dharma is one’s personal path in life with truth or righteousness, the fulfillment of which leads to the awakening of consciousness. Karma Yoga (yoga of action) and Jñāna (the Yog of Knowledge) is a dual contradictory subject that needs your judgment.
The brilliant logical explanation by the master settles the contradictory subjects by inspiring the intelligence to recognize consciousness.  Logic is the knowledge of consciousness that accommodates intelligent life. The master of all knowledge Krishna is the logic of an argument hence his claim of his protection is assured to the reader, his worshipers and his disciple Arjuna.
The Self in the Vedas and Upanishads is often symbolized by fire (Agni). The Rig Veda begins with the worship of Agni, who is the deity of the sacrifice. There are many forms of Agni in Vedic thought. Agni outwardly as fire and light and inwardly as life and consciousness pervade all things in the universe. Lighting a Deya has become a ritual to invite a divine aura, stimulating your Atma.

In this chapter there are many recommendations made by Krishna for a constant intellectual awareness for your mind to remain focused. “Knowing the thoughts or purpose behind your action” is a reminder to the intellect which needs evaluation at all times to avoid the pairs of the opposite for each action.

4. Me and My Gita

Krishna is the greatest manipulator and he tells Arjun of the action in Knowledge. A contradiction is a by-product of decision making, and he uses this fallacy to get Arjuna focused. Krishna, in short, tells Arjuna that he knows of all things happening and that he is there to destroy that untruth. For a Yogi like Krishna - past, present, and future are no different as it’s governed by rightness.
In Chapter four Krishna starts to impress Arjuna with the philosophy of Knowledge and that he is “Mr. Know it all” and tells Arjuna to know himself from the many intellectual and dull minds of society. He knows the history of the evolution of truth and the theories of action and that he is there in the illusion of time to find the virtuous solution when the need arises.

 A good start would be to act and evaluate your actions for this month.
  • The first is to evaluate “Truth and action “with respect to your knowledge and the conditioned mind.
  • Have you at any time thought of actions performed for no reason and envy those who have to say something?
  • Are you a reward oriented person?
  • Do you live for the day and yourself?
  • Evaluate all your actions and truthfulness for the day and do a SWOT analysis of each if that’s the way you are entertaining an auspicious month.

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