Monday, December 3, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 17

17. Shraddhatraya Vibhaga Yoga: Yoga of the Division of the Threefold Faith
In the Bhagavad Gita chapter 14 Krishna describes the three Cosmic Qualities (Sattvic, Rajasic, and  Tamasic ) which holds the entire universe and all under their authority. Krishna also reveals that these three qualities compose Cosmic Nature. This cosmic nature is the primal source and origin of the entire creation and all things in it. Hence all things created are subjected to their influence and irresistible power.  Therefore the three entities we know off: the Stars, Dark Matter and the Life on Earth has the same Cosmic Nature and should have the same Cosmic Qualities
One has to understand the evolution of the universe in its own sciences. The evolution of the material universe seems to have taken place in a well-defined succession of events with the three Gunas.
1.    Sattvic -consciousness or the computable logic
2.    Rajasic -power, or the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events and the Scientific Definition- Power is the rate (energy amount per time period) at which work is done or energy converted.
3.    Tamasic –materiality, which includes dark matter or all material self-replicating entities

Krishna says that every entity is created with an inclination to either sattva, rajas, or tamas. The distinctions between the gunas are made quite apparent in chapter 17. Sattvic is, of course, the ideal state, Rajasic is perhaps the most destructive and tamas is a root of disconnection. The bulk of the chapter is the analysis of faith, food, sacrifice, charity, and penance. Yajna or sacrifice represents our duty towards the realization of truth.

In the space-time continuum a mystical unit or vibration (OM) and the three Cosmic Qualities integrated to form cosmic elements or principles, rules and laws. That was the beginning of all creations and when the disturbance continued and successive created elements collided among themselves creating more and more complex elements or principles, rules, and laws. Thus all had a beginning and an end.
Everything in the created universe is a function of the three cosmic qualities and a catalyst (OM) repeatedly carried on and still carries on. The changing universe is continuously maintained in an infinite cyclic order giving an illusion that it does not have a beginning and an end.
Krishna finally says that
‘Om is truth ‘

17. Me and My Gita

Krishna with his intuitive mind knows that what matters the most is the attitude of a person. He further elaborated on the topic with faith, food, sacrifice, and strictness. He does not recommend any of the attitudes (good, bad, or the ugly) but leaves it to the choice of the knowledge seeker.
In chapter seventeen Krishna very cleverly introduces the secret of his control with the universal vibration AUM. He explains that ‘Aum is the truth’, he is the syllable Aum and has not changed since the beginning of time  In science AUM is vibration and thoughts are now analyzed to define Aum in quantum physics. 
  •   Krishna does not mention anywhere in the scripture what not to do.
  •   A word is around, sayRam, Ram’ and one can do the things you are not supposed to do. Ram will forgive your mistakes. Now that is called faith! Do you support this view?
  •  So Gita is a book of knowledge, Albert Einstein found the definition of a black hole. Dr. Carl Sagan solved the riddle of time. What have you found?
  •  For me and my understanding: Bhagavad Gita is "The only scripture in the world that describes a visual image of GOD and for science the black hole"
Chapter 11 of the Bhagavad Gita stimulates your audio-visual senses to understand the cosmic image of Krishna. In chapter 15, it stimulates your intellect to understand the conscious working of the Universe where Krishna is identified as consciousness; the supreme personality of God Head or Purna Purushottam or grand Self or Brahman in the domain of the cosmos and chapter 17 has a language of consciousness to interconnect. (A unified field that carries a vibration classified as OM or the langue of the creator.)

Could consciousness all come down to the way things vibrate?
Over the last decade, my colleague, University of California, Santa Barbara psychology professor Jonathan Schooler and I have developed what we call a “resonance theory of consciousness.” We suggest that resonance – another word for synchronized vibrations – is at the heart of not only human consciousness but also animal consciousness and of physical reality more generally. It sounds like something the hippies might have dreamed up – it’s all vibrations, man! – but stick with me.

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