Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12

12. Bhakti Yoga: Yoga of Devotion

Intelligence that reasons must have a disciplined mind. With intellectual knowledge, one needs an urgent transformation, with complete surrender and renunciation to a singular reality. That is Krishna or consciousness. Knowledge gatherers are victims of intellectual interference with illusions so Krishna sets a guideline to establish a focused mind.
In chapter 12 Krishna describes the "Man of perfection", his relationship with the world outside, his psychological life and intellectual evaluation of the world of beings and happenings. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Neuroscience shows that activity in the brain is intimately intertwined with behaviour and mental processes.
  • A study of the human mind is analyzed, followed by recommendations such as  the path of loving devotion
  • "Man of perfection" and thereby prescribes the correct mode of conduct and way of life for all seekers - the enumeration of various moral, ethical and spiritual qualities of a true devotee.
  • Duality allows adoptions from the two; those who are devoted to the personal form of god or those who worship the formless Brahman.
  • There is a reward for devotees of the personal form, with their intellect merged in consciousness and all their actions dedicated to Krishna, are freed from the cycle of life and death.
  • Krishna further said to Arjuna that permanent bliss comes from renunciation.
The previous chapter ends in defining consciousness and Krishna. To me, that’s the end of the Bhagavad Gita but the intellectual mind now needs a path and focused senses to stimulate the intellect in completing the knowledge of the supreme. That needs devotion or Bhakti. Krishna establishes this science of Bhakti with a futuristic approach. The recommendation is that Bhakti remains the only path for an anxious mind
Vishnu is the Preserver in the Hindu Trinity of Gods. He along with Brahma, the creator, and Shiva, the Destroyer forms the Tridev. Krishna is the 8th such Incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

12. Me and My Gita

Arjuna wants to be a devotee after having witnessed the real Krishna. Krishna distinguishes between the abstract and the real and tells Arjuna that I am real so follows me but with love and devotion. Krishna thus asks Arjun to surrender his intellect to him.
In chapter twelve Krishna revises his teachings by reminding Arjuna that higher than rituals is the cultivation of knowledge; higher than the cultivation of knowledge is meditation; and higher than meditation is the renunciation of fruits of actions, which would immediately give him peace of mind.

With the development of the mind, a man becomes a citizen of two worlds, the world of inner ambitions and the world of outer circumstances. This is the aim of the Gita. True reality is spirit, love, and devotion. When projected into forms and shapes one experiences the beauty of creation in bliss.
  • Are you a devotee of your duties, responsibilities, your day to day work, beliefs, and rituals in family or society?
  • If you respect the ideology of the month of Shravan then it will test your love and devotion.
  • One student of Gita while expressing his views said that he liked the rebellious Arjuna before chapter eleven. It was like an action movie. Which Arjuna are you?

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