Monday, November 12, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14

14. Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga: Yoga of the Division of the three Gunas

Knowing the science of the soul, the knowledge of the three cosmic qualities is of prime importance as it holds the entire universe and all creations under its control. Krishna reveals three Cosmic Nature as it’s the primal source and origin of the entire creation and all things in it. The individual soul is also bound to the body by these three qualities present in the cosmic nature. Brilliantly Krishna brings about creation through the help of his Nature ( Prakriti)  with the threefold qualities
 In chapter fourteen, Krishna explains that material nature is constituted of three modes (guṇas) — sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas (ignorance).For a focused mind and controlled senses, he describes the qualities that a true devotee must-have. You have a choice to make if you desire to know Krishna.
Krishna as a metaphor for Cosmos, creation preservation and destruction holds the entire universe together, for Krishna is the originator of all that exists and has a power to evoke human emotions. The three modes are the key to understand cosmic harmony. This is the ultimate arrangement of Krishna for all that is in the universe he preserves. When we refer to cosmic consciousness, it is none other than Krishna.

How are the three modes comparable to the Universe?
Depending on which guna dominates, an entity will have different challenges. Looking at the billions and billions of stars in the Milky Way, one wonders their existence. They all can’t be possessing one mode for its designated life span if so there will be no synchronization with each other. The three cosmic qualities have been arranged in an orderly manner so that creation, preservation, and destruction are in command for the existing universe. The three cosmic natures create the true representation of the cyclic universe in existence with the replicating life having the same formula. Aum and the self-replicating Universe

14. Me and My Gita

This chapter describes the nature of the material energy, which is the source of the body and its elements, and is thus the origin of both mind and matter. Krishna explains that material nature is constituted of three attitudes (temperaments) good, bad and the ugly
In chapter fourteen, Krishna wants Arjuna to know that the three attitudes of nature are the steering factors of the material body. Krishna explains the benefits and drawbacks of the three attitudes good, bad and ugly. (The triple gunas, sattva, rajas and tamas- goodness, passion, and ignorance)

We make statements and decisions to be politically or socially correct while hiding the truth, it’s always a dilemma! In the eyes of society you could be the ugly one but in fact, with the theories of truth and action, you are the good guy.
  • You have a choice to make, who you want to be, a good guy, a bad guy or the ugly one?
  • Do you know the good, bad and ugly attitudes of your mind and body? 
  • Did you have a choice or were they inculcated by desires and the family?
  • Now that you are aware of it, would you meditate on solving the disturbing ones?
  • One needs at least 40 days to implement a new mindset. If you have extended the 30 days of Shravan, congratulations - you have the will of a disciplined Yogi.

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13

13. Kshetra Kshetrajna Vibhagha Yoga: Yoga of Distinction between the Field and the Knower of the Field

Consciousness is a unitary field that possesses a stimulus to activate intelligence in matter and energy to do work (action). There are many fields that have an abundance of knowledge. The knowledge gatherer on identifying the field should also know the physical and the metaphysical contents of that field. Krishna suggests that one should have the knowledge of the self. The field and the knower of the field are also your minds, intellect, and ego with the components of matter and energy.

 Chapter thirteen introduces two terms—kṣhetra (the “field”) and kṣhetrajña (the “knower of the field”). In this chapter, Krishna defines the greatest knowledge, the nature of the kshetra, the kṣhetrajña, their relationship to consciousness, the truth. It also deals with pure sciences where matter, energy, and intellect are described to explain the cosmic reality. Pure science (knowledge) and the science of the soul is the central theme.  A self-realized Yogi recognizes Brahman (Brahm), having understood that when intelligence is activated in fine matter or ether, then only life is stimulated, known to us as natural or organic living entities. It is the knowledge of consciousness that gets immortality to a devotee.

13. Me and My Gita

Krishna calls the body "a field," and says it is made up of the five senses, as well as the organs of action, the mind, and the energy from which all these evolved. It is within the body that one finds the source of desire, aversion, pleasure, pain, intelligence, and will.
Duality continues to dominate the discussion; Krishna reminds us that this knowledge is not something new, that it has come directly from the Vedas and the Brahma Sutras. The kshetra, the body and the kshetrajna, the soul is entirely different from each other and that the Soul is immortal, with its physical embodiment, is the main theme of this chapter.
Prakriti is the matter which makes up the field, while Purusha is the soul's energy. Together these two create the self-replicating life. Krishna uses the word 'Self' to distinguish that soul which is independent of the body and bears out the karma of many lifetimes.

Gita is a science of living where creation, preservation, and destruction provide recurring events, in the field of space and time. That is why in Hinduism, time does come to an end but all events pass many cycles. Would you agree that Gita is not a religious song but a song of science?
  • Shravan month had and will go through many cycles in your material life span and would you make this adventure with “Me and My Gita’ a year of change?
  • Have you ever thought of your previous body’s relationship with the living soul you have?
  • Do you think that Arjuna as a warrior was interested in this explanation? Many are bored reading this chapter.

A physical example of this chapter is to compare it with the cell phone or the computers of this millennium. The field or the body of these gadgets are made up of transistors, capacitors, microchips, LED screens, a strong casing and many other material parts with an energy-storing battery, which is also called the Hardware. To activate the working of it one needs to install Software. The Software is uniquely programmed for a specific objective with many commands to imitate self-simulating logical commands to obey an input.

 The Hardware is the field of the body and activated Software (Operating System) is the soul.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12

12. Bhakti Yoga: Yoga of Devotion

Intelligence that reasons must have a disciplined mind. With intellectual knowledge, one needs an urgent transformation, with complete surrender and renunciation to a singular reality. That is Krishna or consciousness. Knowledge gatherers are victims of intellectual interference with illusions so Krishna sets a guideline to establish a focused mind.
In chapter 12 Krishna describes the "Man of perfection", his relationship with the world outside, his psychological life and intellectual evaluation of the world of beings and happenings. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Neuroscience shows that activity in the brain is intimately intertwined with behaviour and mental processes.
  • A study of the human mind is analyzed, followed by recommendations such as  the path of loving devotion
  • "Man of perfection" and thereby prescribes the correct mode of conduct and way of life for all seekers - the enumeration of various moral, ethical and spiritual qualities of a true devotee.
  • Duality allows adoptions from the two; those who are devoted to the personal form of god or those who worship the formless Brahman.
  • There is a reward for devotees of the personal form, with their intellect merged in consciousness and all their actions dedicated to Krishna, are freed from the cycle of life and death.
  • Krishna further said to Arjuna that permanent bliss comes from renunciation.
The previous chapter ends in defining consciousness and Krishna. To me, that’s the end of the Bhagavad Gita but the intellectual mind now needs a path and focused senses to stimulate the intellect in completing the knowledge of the supreme. That needs devotion or Bhakti. Krishna establishes this science of Bhakti with a futuristic approach. The recommendation is that Bhakti remains the only path for an anxious mind
Vishnu is the Preserver in the Hindu Trinity of Gods. He along with Brahma, the creator, and Shiva, the Destroyer forms the Tridev. Krishna is the 8th such Incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

12. Me and My Gita

Arjuna wants to be a devotee after having witnessed the real Krishna. Krishna distinguishes between the abstract and the real and tells Arjuna that I am real so follows me but with love and devotion. Krishna thus asks Arjun to surrender his intellect to him.
In chapter twelve Krishna revises his teachings by reminding Arjuna that higher than rituals is the cultivation of knowledge; higher than the cultivation of knowledge is meditation; and higher than meditation is the renunciation of fruits of actions, which would immediately give him peace of mind.

With the development of the mind, a man becomes a citizen of two worlds, the world of inner ambitions and the world of outer circumstances. This is the aim of the Gita. True reality is spirit, love, and devotion. When projected into forms and shapes one experiences the beauty of creation in bliss.
  • Are you a devotee of your duties, responsibilities, your day to day work, beliefs, and rituals in family or society?
  • If you respect the ideology of the month of Shravan then it will test your love and devotion.
  • One student of Gita while expressing his views said that he liked the rebellious Arjuna before chapter eleven. It was like an action movie. Which Arjuna are you?

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11

11.Vishwarupa Darshana Yoga: Yoga of the Vision of the Universal Form

Arjuna has no personal experience of the oneness of things and beings. Theoretically, he has with his intellect accepted this inherent oneness. Having heard Krishna's glories, Arjuna now wants to have a direct experience of his divine splendor, the source, and support of all that exists. By giving a comprehensive summary of the things to be expected in the cosmic vision, Krishna has increased the intellectual curiosity of Arjuna.
This is the climax of this scripture that reveals the intellectual knowledge with the introduction of consciousness as an entity that is in control of all.
In this narration, the black hole of science is described in audiovisual technic for the intellectual mind. A black hole is a region of space-time exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it.
Bhagavad Gita herein describes the concept of singularity in relation to the Blackhole concept. 
Once you cross the threshold to form a black hole, everything inside the event horizon crunches down to a singularity that is, at most, one-dimensional. No three-dimensional structures can survive intact. ASK THE VAN / UIUC PHYSICS DEPARTMENT

The Biggest Myth About Black Holes
Black holes are some of the strangest, most wondrous objects in all the Universe. With huge amounts of mass concentrated into an extremely small volume, they inevitably collapse down to singularities, surrounded by event horizons from which nothing can escape. These are the densest objects in the entire Universe. Whenever anything comes too close to one, the forces from the black hole will tear it apart; when any matter, antimatter, or radiation crosses the event horizon, it simply falls down to the central singularity, growing the black hole and adding to its mass.
These properties about black holes are all true. But there's an associated idea that's absolute fiction: black holes suck surrounding matter into them. This couldn't be further from the truth and completely misrepresents how gravity works. The biggest myth about black holes is that they suck. Here's the scientific truth.
Your intellectual mind accumulates to reason that all inexistent is now one. In reality matter and energy gave a visual impression to Arjuna that with the absence of matter and energy all that is described; divine vibhūtis (opulence’s) disappears in a singular stream into Krishna. Krishna is singular and the only vision of God described in relative logic. Krishna is the time-variant entity that creates and destroys yet confuses the intellectual mind as it empowers the consciousness with the logic of singularity. Thus concluding that;

  • Krishna is consciousness, not a creator, persevere or destroyer. Yet Krishna is the source of all creations, preservation or destruction itself.
  •  Finally, all duality has a singular orientation.
  • Truth is the logical result of this singular outcome.
  • Consciousness expands its grip on the entire universal reality.
  • This chapter also relates to science. Science needs a valid proof for a postulate or a theory to be established as a law. Krishna’s divine vibhūtis (opulence’s) are established as a proof of his claim to be the creator, preserver, and destroyer.
  • Who is Arjuna? He, in fact, represents us. We all seem to trust only what we see and experience than what we read or are taught. The doubting mind is a quality of a sound mind and it’s good and bad.
  • Cosmic vision is nothing but to say that the Lord is in everything and in everyone. It (not he or she) is not independent of you. It is the totality of everything.
Bhagavad Gita is the only scripture that gives an audiovisual image of the supreme (GOD) or consciousness. Perhaps one of the reasons the Gita is such an inspiring text is because it's so undeniably clear.

11. Me and My Gita

Arjuna was humbled with Krishna’s divine spiritual knowledge and the infinite truth. So he asked Krishna if he could see his divine cosmic form to confirm his acceptance that Krishna is the greatest. Krishna obliges by granting him divine vision.
In chapter eleven Arjuna sees that Krishna is the creator, preserver, and destroyer. With flashes of magical light, he had a glimpse of the past present and future and the entire universe. An unknown fear starting to dominate his mind while seeing the existence, Arjuna was convinced that Krishna was not a friend, charioteer, king, warrior, lover boy, actor or a cow header but a supreme personality of godhead’. 

The message from this chapter is clear that there is only one sophisticated authority that controls the life on earth, the universe and the cosmos. That one and only one has many extended names such as
  • ➤Cosmic consciousness. It is a unitary field that possesses a stimuli to activate intelligence  in matter and energy to do work (action)
  • ➤Brahman (Brahm)
  • ➤Paramatman or Paramātmā
  • ➤Puruṣhottam
  • ➤Super soul 
  • ➤ Father, God, Lord, Allah, Supreme personality of godhead, Infinite truth, knowledge, cosmic computer, etc.
  • Nothing is wrong in using “I” “Me “and “My” but like Krishna, you may have to face chapter eleven and prove yourself. So be prepared. Be a man and do it.
  • The climax of the Gita is reached with a visual image of God in this chapter. That does not mean that you can live happily ever after? So what’s next?
  • Siva glorifies Satya Yuga and Krishna Dvapara Yuga. We are nearest to Dvapara Yuga hence the Gita is relevant. Would you agree that Siva and Krishna had the same duties, namely creation, preservation, and destruction? Hence they are one and the same entities.
  • This Shravan month pray for the displacement of negative energy to be replaced by positive energies. When love, devotion, sacrifices, and truth associated with a prayer, the so-called meditation activates the divine entities and they will assist you with your appeal. Negative energy can never be destroyed but will be replaced. (Energy cannot be destroyed or created but can be transferred from one state to another).Siva is the master of this and Krishna is a guide.
  • If you were told that we are living not in the real world, but in an elaborate computer simulation? Would you believe this idea?
  • Only cosmic consciousness knows the method to reach cosmic consciousness as it is beyond the human scope with the assumption that cosmic consciousness is a self-stimulating computer. But through a physical structure, the guru can teach this in spiritual science. Bhagavad Gita is the only guru to make you understand this concept. Every verse gives this massage in riddles that will link you to the cosmic consciousness.

Jay’s science of a computable consciousness