Monday, October 22, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10

10.Vibhuti Yoga: Yoga of the Divine Manifestations

Knowledge has to go through a process to support the intellect. It is a customary process for the parents to teach first, then the school teachers or Guru chela association (‘In Hinduism, the bond between a chela and a guru (teacher) is considered sacred.’) and professors from great universities. Finally, your wisdom, while getting attracted to the theory of truth seeks the divinity in the awaiting consciousness.
You educate, receive knowledge and unite with the activated intelligence in the aim to diffuse into the consciousness. The lower life forms may have different processes for its diffusion with the divine 

Chapter ten evokes the principles of learning. Firstly Krishna helps Arjun meditate on the ‘Manifestations of his Divine Glories.’ The Ancient Ethics which had become rituals is worth noting. Krishna is Guru and Arjuna is the chela. Learning first from a guru is what Krishna desires to teach. This chapter is inspirational reading for you to start understanding Krishna as a mysterious person as he is the source of all creations, everything moves because of him and all such charisma that is glorious, prosperous or powerful seems to be created just by a spark of Krishna’s yogic powers, truly fascinating.

Bhagavad Gita has a numerical massage also which needs to be deciphered;

  • Krishna says “The 7 great sages and the 4 ancient Manus from whom the entire creation came into existence were born from him.
  • Krishna is Vishnu among the 12 sons of Aditi,
  • Chapter 10 has 42 slokas
  • These numbers were used to describe space and time
Krishna describes himself with all the realities of nature ie. ‘I am the Sāma Veda amongst the Vedas, and Indra amongst the celestial gods. Amongst the senses I am the mind; amongst the living beings, I am consciousness. BG 10.22.’  Bhagavad Gita is described in duality and singularity. It’s with the Fibonacci sequence that Krishna represents himself when he says ‘I ‘and ‘Me’ in his material body. 

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where a number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. Starting with 0 and 1, the sequence goes 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and so forth, the most common numbers in nature - the Fibonacci sequence. (Fibonacci brought to the attention of Europe the Hindu system for writing numbers. European tradesmen and scholars were still clinging to the use of the old Roman numerals; modern mathematics would have been impossible without this change to the Hindu system, which we call now Arabic notation since it came west through Arabic lands.) Fibonacci concluded from the Hindu system of numbers, that these were in harmony with Nature and it can be used to model or describe an amazing variety of phenomena, in mathematics, science, and art.

Bhagavad Gita has duality or number two as an optimal field size for decision making, where singularity is the only option for the final verdict. The number two is a symbolic representation of the state of duality which we experience objectively through our minds and the senses. It is the character of the Bhagavad Gita that gives you two options only for consideration at any given time. Yet it gives a selection of three fields to choose from.
If you're looking for the best field size consider an odd number and being a follower of Sanatan Vaidik Hindu Dharma I am influenced by number three. ‘Trivaram Satyam’ became a mantra for those decisions when one more field was added to duality for a conclusive argument.  Once singularities from many such arguments are repeated thrice I consider that to be the righteous decision, or three decisions of one order when repeated becomes the logical truth of an argument.
Five is another odd number that always brings about a singular decision from the many fields of arguments is the Panchayat system (from Sanskrit punch is five a former group of five influential older men acknowledged by the community as its governing body) in India which is still a practical system for decision making. Aimed at a decision to be made, three has to be in majority from the five, again ‘Trivaram Satyam is the conclusive judgment.
2, 3, and 5 are natures number or the  Fibonacci sequence  

In the Sanatan Vaidik Hindu Dharma, each number has a universal harmony in the cosmic science. Find more details on

Why the number 137 is one of the greatest mysteries in physics

  • The fine structure constant has mystified scientists since the 1800s. 
  • The number 1/137 might hold the clues to the Grand Unified Theory. 
  • Relativity, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics are unified by the number.

Does the Universe around us have a fundamental structure that can be glimpsed through special numbers?
The brilliant physicist Richard Feynman (1918-1988) famously thought so, saying there is a number that all theoretical physicists of worth should "worry about". He called it "one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: magic the number that comes to us with no understanding by man".
That magic number, called the fine structure constant, is a fundamental constant, with a value that nearly equals 1/137. Or 1/137.03599913, to be precise. It is denoted by the Greek letter alpha - α.

 Krishna is not a being who exists in time; he is the being because of whom time exists. Arjuna expresses his complete satisfaction with the glories of Krishna in Chapter 10; however he is not yet convinced and confident. Arjuna was very keen to see the material body of Krishna in this time frame as a superior entity claimed by Krishna.
India’s famed gurukula system provides a yogic approach to learning that trains the character, instills self-control and develops a higher awareness, while supporting proficiency in all forms of knowledge. Bhagavad Gita is an ideal scripture that brings the gurukul system for this millennia with Krishna and Arjuna.

10 Me and My Gita

Arjuna, with a deeply meditative mind, listened to Krishna’s “I” “Me “and “My” stories and resolved it to be the finite truth, with a declaration that Krishna is a ‘Supreme Divine Personality’. Krishna takes advantage of the situation and finally divulges his entire association with creation, preservation, and dissolution of the entire cosmic truth. Arjuna lastly realizes that ‘Krishna is celestial’, out of this world and gets excited to know more about him
In chapter ten Krishna dominates the mind of Arjuna and the readers. A mind-blowing experience! Krishna finally reaches the climax in this chapter and divulges the truth and mentions that knowledge of truth is infinite and so is he.

The finite and the infinite’ TRUTH’ is paradoxical in our minds and Knowledge is synonymous with formal education.

  • Would you say having all the university degrees is the final frontier for knowledge gatherers and one does not necessarily have to study the Bhagavad Gita, Vedas or philosophy.
  • Is Krishna’s magnificent and splendid glory relevant in this time and age?
  • Are you a victim of the slavery of many religious cults that prohibit the use of “I” “Me “and “My”?
  • From the SWOT analysis of this Shravan Month, if knowledge and seeking truth are a weakness you identified, do you intend to do something about it or it has no relevance in one’s life?
  • Are you the one who says all this is ‘CRAP’?

To appreciate the management of the manifested universe, this chart was introduced to Hindu children for the understanding of creation, preservation, and destruction. The material elements were provided by the Pancha Bhoota and the work (action) was carried out by the 5 nature gods with the supervision of the trinity. The administrator is Brahm the head for the existence of the universe.
The Pancha Bhoota, (five great elements, also, five physical elements is a group of five basic elements, which, according to Hinduism, is the basis of all cosmic creation.) provided the matter.

The five nature gods were instructed to assist in the creation, maintenance and dissolution of life on earth.
The trinity of supreme divinity in Hinduism in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified as a triad of deities, Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer.
Brahm is just an instructor and a decision maker.

In the Gita, Krishna says that he is the creator, the preserver, the destroyer, the Pancha Bhoota, the 5 nature gods and Brahm the supreme.

So make your judgment, who is Krishna?

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9

9 Rajavidya Rajaguhya Yoga: Yoga of Royal Knowledge and Royal Secret

The Sovereign science and Sovereign Secret is knowledgeable information for a reasoning mind. All living entities have intelligence in their fine matter or ether or Akash when created as a self-replicating life on earth. This intelligence has designed principles rules and laws that govern its existence for that life cycle. It remains dormant for that life but the intelligence of human beings is activated to reason. Therefore we call it the higher life forms. Hence my conclusion that intelligence is one entity that are the designed attributes of our creator for all life forms and consciousness is the sole contributor to these designed attributes. This science is that which directs a knowledge seekers' mind for investigation.
Chapter nine is on the cosmic self-replicating interties and its existence with birth and death. The secret of Krishna’s divinity is revealed to Arjuna when he says "I fill the entire universe, I am in everything yet I am not in them, I am the creator, the destroyer and sustainer, however, I am not bound by it as I am not tainted by the karmic law. (I am not interested in the fruits of action)."
The objective of Krishna is to retain the minds of his admirers and persuades his objective when he says, “worship me, be my devotee, think of me all the time and I will be with you. Once you do this you will reach me without any doubt". This is when intelligence diffuses with consciousness.
Krishna represents truly the divine personality of Godhead. He characterizes himself on the three planes of existence simultaneously; mortal immortal and divine planes
Bhagavad Gita is filled with data and information that stimulates one's intellect to activate consciousness.
I am now convinced that when Krishna says that you will come to me, the statement is true. With a dormant intellect, your basic reasoning is successful, i.e. protecting yourself, eating good nutritional food, mating and caring for the family, etc. All living things have the same instincts or intellectual programming to be models of self-replicating life. Humans have an activated intellect and can do better, so the aim is to look around and communicate with your creator with intellectual reasoning by doing useful work.

9. Me and My Gita

Having put a hypnotic spell on Arjuna, Krishna finally dominates the conversation. The science of reality is the truth and Krishna gives a long list of objects and beings in which his glory can be easily detected as proof of his claim. Yes! In our colloquial langue, we will call him “boasting” or egotistic. ‘I’ and ‘me’ dominates this part of the scripture.
In chapter nine Krishna finally says that he is the creator of this universe and hence he controls. Arjuna is tested for his faith, devotion and the ultimate truth for the claims put forward by Krishna
‘I’ and ‘me’ also dominates in our life. If you are an achiever or not, we always speak of ourselves to show how much better we are compared to the other.

  • Is it good to boast of oneself?
  • Do you think that this chapter was necessary for Arjuna to know the glories of Krishna?
  • Do you think that if ‘I’ and ‘me’ are eliminated from our vocabulary for 30 days then it would hold the same rewards of food fasting and following rituals?

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8

8. Akshara Brahma Yoga: Yoga of Imperishable Brahman.

Life, as we know, is a function of matter, energy, and intelligence with time and space as a measure of its survival. The intelligent life on earth has always questioned this existence and has probed the origin of all creation in the cosmos. For the relief of the knowledge gatherers, Krishna incites the thought of a supreme entity.
Chapter 8 is a knowledge gatherers archive of data and information. Arjuna asks Krishna 7 different questions;
  •  What is Brahman? 
  • What is Adhyatma?
  •  What is the action?
  • What is called Adhibhuta?
  •  What is said to be adhibhūta, and who is said to be Adhidaiva?
  •  How is he the Adhiyajña?
  • How are you known at the time of death by the self -controlled person?

The Supreme, the Imperishable is Brahman.  Its existence as the embodied soul is called Adhyatma.  Action pertaining to the development of being is called Karma.  Perishable entities are called Adhibhuta.  The cosmic being is called Adhidaiva. Krishna is called the Adhiyajña in this body.  At the time of death, whoever quits his body remembering Krishna alone, at once attains his nature.
Time and space become an illusion for an observer monitoring energy in the absence of matter. Light is then the only entity that would exist as a measure of life with death and intelligence having no platform to exist but to get defused with consciousness. This would identify ‘The Supreme, the Imperishable Brahman.’ Krishna is supreme or consciousness.
This chapter reminds the reader that the Bhagavad Gita is an archive of information nearly true to modern research and it means that one should cling to knowledge in a single-minded commitment. Yes knowledge is the supreme 
Some interesting scientific facts (knowledge) on consciousness that will help you understand the Bhagavad Gita :

  • Now that the dual nature of light as "both a particle and a wave" has been proved, its essential theory was further evolved from electromagnetic into quantum mechanics. Yes! Einstein also rejected the conscious theory in the famous paradoxes of quantum physics, such as the double-slit experiment and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Both of these show that the behavior of particles changes when we observe them. When science could not explain the observation in the double-slit experiment, Einstein reluctantly accepted the conscious theory.                                    
  • Consciousness At the Cellular Level: The Experiments of Cleve Backster .                  To me, this is yet one more demonstration that consciousness is part of reality. The data is completely consistent with this theory.  It is yet another piece of science that provides us clues to the nature of consciousness.
  • Could an ancient virus be responsible for human consciousness? Scientists claim our ability to have thoughts may have evolved from alien genetic code over the past half billion years  The claims are made in two separate papers published in the journal Cell, produced by international teams of researchers led by the University of Massachusetts and the University of Utah.
  • Biologists Believe Trees Can Communicate, There’s a Language to Be Learnt. Many people may find it hard to perceive that its true but trees communicate with one another constantly below as well as above ground using sound, scents, signals, and vibrations.
  • “Is it possible that consciousness may exist by itself, even in the absence of matter, just like gravitational waves, excitations of space, may exist in the absence of protons and electrons?” asks Andrei Linde, Russian-American theoretical physicist and the Harald Trap Friis Professor of Physics at Stanford University. “Will it not turn out, with the further development of science, that the study of the universe and the study of consciousness will be inseparably linked, and that ultimate progress in the one will be impossible without progress in the other?”
  • Recently, Princeton physicist Edward Witten, who has been compared to Isaac Newton and Einstein, addressed the problem of human consciousness. Witten is largely responsible for the popularity of string theory over the past several decades. String theory holds that all of nature’s forces stem from infinitesimal particles wriggling in a hyperspace consisting of many extra dimensions.
Modern physics is looking for a unitary field of consciousness to explain the consistency of the laws of nature.

8. Me and My Gita

Arjuna did not identify the real Krishna so Krishna had to describe to him Brahman, (Bhram) the cosmic consciousness. In the space-time continuum - energy, matter, and intellect, reciprocates to get the job done ending in destruction or death. One entity that cannot be destroyed is the intellect or consciousness or the individual soul or the Adhyatma. This is controlled by an unknown action called Karma.
In chapter eight Krishna confirms that he is the cause and effect of all actions. For every beginning, there is an end and only humans with an activated consciousness or intellect have the ability to recognize death. Krishna puts a claim in this chapter that he is the ultimate, Brahman (Bhram) or cosmic consciousness.

Death is inevitable for all who are born - then why the existence? When God (Bhram), the individual soul and the supreme soul are acknowledged as a mystic reality, then only will this riddle be solved.
  • Do you believe that there is a superior power over us?
  • Did you ever experience supremacy - that which is extreme and that all actions don’t lead to desirable rewards? 
  • If beginning and end is a norm of existence then analyze your happiness, sadness, prosperity, suffering, good, bad and the ugly.
  • Would you endorse on a ritual, for an auspicious month (Shravan Mass) that promises to destroy all that you desire - or not?

Monday, October 15, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7

7.Jnana Vijnana Yoga:Yoga of Knowledge and Wisdom

Duality creates logic to the mind that brings about reasoning to a conclusive singularity. A very interesting duality is under the spotlight which can describe the creator. Material and spiritual dimensions are identified as the subject of the creator’s energies. If the creator is identified than consciousness has an identity. To stimulate the intellect for reason, the mind and the soul needs to harmonize with the Atma (consciousness) for the Realization of Divine Knowledge. The science of the cosmos is a brilliant working model for the survival of the universal reality. Follow me on the Blog on the sciences of the cosmos.

In Chapter seven, Krishna is revealing the truth to Arjuna, the most confidential knowledge, the supreme knowledge and the essence of the knowledge. With the thirst of this knowledge thousands of people try to reach Krishna by yoga and meditation but very few reaches him. Krishna describes the four kinds of people who do not surrender to him and the four kinds of people who engage in his devotion. He further explains the 3 moods of nature, sattvic, tamasic and rajasic.  Amongst his devotees, he considers the dearest one as those who worship him in knowledge.
The hunter food gatherer has evolved into an educated knowledge gatherer. Knowledge is a logical concluding result of data and information with principles, rules, and laws based on the theory of truth. This has given him the freedom of choice. The first study is off;
·         8 kinds of people
·         3 moods of nature
·         And of inferior energy of the creator which is the  Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego constituting the separated material energy
·         The whole living entity is the superior energy of the creator.
Confidential knowledge, the supreme knowledge and the essence of the knowledge must be referred to as ‘Knowledge’ only. Knowledge is but one.
The duality of truth and knowledge is to be synthesized to a singular entity as ‘Consciousness’.

7. Me and My Gita

Krishna now enlightens Arjuna with the existence of the cosmic world where life and matter (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether; Panchmahaboot) is a part of the whole. Life is defined when intelligence is activated in matter. The living has five senses objects and in harmony, they define the living world. He describes this in a riddle to confirm his authority overall.
In chapter seven Krishna is conveying some useful Knowledge  and proudly approves that he is an inhabitant of two realities (lower and higher nature) and that there are four kinds of virtuous people he created to worship him. Krishna tries to tell Arjuna that he is a “big shot” and that he (Arjuna) has still not acknowledged him.
Life on planet earth is biological excellence, terraforming   a lonely planet to a designed parameter of a creator that produced self-replicating creations. Human life is created in its image hence it represents the creators objective to obtain a desired purpose.

  • Do you think that Krishna is God?
  • Have you the knowledge to identify your creator.
  • Have you ever made an effort to identify your creator and its creations?
  • If not, are you a slave of your habits and desires and that’s the reason you do not obey the rituals and customs of Hinduism.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6

6. Dhyana Yoga :Yoga of Meditation.

For the realization of truth, the mind and body need a disciplined intellect to understand the messenger. One cannot attain self-knowledge, except through the self itself. How can the mind, which is not- Self, reveal the Self? The Self, of course, is without form, but saying so it implies a recognizable form therefore even the idea of the formlessness of the self is renounced. No formed or formless object can be considered to be the ultimate reality. Here lies a complex paradox of the mind and the self. The duality of the self is under investigation to obtain a singular outcome.
Chapter six of the Gita is called Dhyana Yoga or communion through meditation.  It deals with meditation as a means of true realization. If one does not know they self, meditation is the way to realization. After realization one will cease to meditate. The reward is being a perfect yogi- a liberated soul, one who has "passed away from” or "shaken off" all worldly attachments and cares, and has realized his identity with truth, with a reminder that truth does not exist in the plane of relative existence.
The Self certainly does not become pure through the practice of Shadanga Yoga or Six Limbed Yoga - consisting of six parts or steps, namely, posture, control of the vital force, self- withdrawal, concentration, meditation, and Samadhi, but he who has perfect control of the mind and senses and is united with truth sees the truth in all the objects and beings.

In the synopses of the Bhagavad Gita, one will come to understand that the so-called stimulated intellect while seeking for truth has to be free from material contamination. The soul has to be repeatedly reprogrammed to adapt to the changing world. Thus the yogis, who have conquered the mind, rise above the dualities of mundane objectives and remain peaceful and steadfast in their devotion to truth, achieves the highest state of perfect harmony with all entities in the cosmos.

6. Me and My Gita

Krishna by now comprehends that Arjuna is becoming difficult and that he does not agree with his motivation. Krishna is a mystical Yogi and proposes meditation for self-analysis. When the mind and body are disciplined the soul connects itself to the universal consciousness with the aim to understand the cosmic reality.
 Chapter six ends with Krishna’s master plan to create a will. He introduces the sources of good living by stressing on the yoga of action, the yoga of knowledge and karma yoga through meditation. Krishna as a Yogi knows the art of living. He imparts his secret in this chapter.

The function of the yoga is to train the mind and body. When applied to life it is called Yoga Sastra. Man becomes well equipped for life by taking to Yoga. An efficient man is otherwise called a yogi.
  • How does one discipline a restless mind?
  • Do you think that reading of scriptures, fasting, abstaining from some food and drinks or a strict routine is necessary to discipline the mind and body? 
  • Would you agree that desires need to be fulfilled or controlled and then only meditation becomes effective?
  • Have you ever tried to give meditation a place in your lifestyle?

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5

5.Karma Sanyaasa Yoga :Yoga of Renunciation of Action

In the duality of Karma Yoga (yoga of action) and Jñāna Yoga (the Yog of Knowledge) contradiction and confusion dominate the argument. The master of Yoga reminds you that the different paths lead you to the same destination and hence are alike, you make your choice. When the end justifies the means the many paths will become one and the realization of truth will absorb the pairs of opposites in a singular entity. Renunciation of the fruits is that brings the paths of knowledge as well as action to the desired objective without duality in the making of a perfect Yogi, where intellect advocates consciousness in a divine interaction.  

In the fabric of the cosmos, time and space do not exist. Time and space are for an observer who monitors the existence of matter, energy with consciousness. In the absence of matter and energy consciousness is the one without a domain or limitations. You may call it infinite but in defining infinite one considers a beginning. Bhagavad  Gita says it very clear that an entity that does not have a beginning or an end is the only one that can exist without dependence and that is consciousness, atman or Krishna. This is what god realization is all about.
This chapter prepares you for renouncing the fruits of action with the awakening of your intellect purifying your transcendental knowledge and to attain peace, detachment, forbearance, spiritual vision and bliss.

Truth has many branches yet has one trunk with many roots.

The phrase “God-realization” in the Gita gives the reader a religious implication. To make the phrase universal let us replace it with Truth realization or consciousness

Chapter 5. Me and My Gita
Krishna finally comes to that situation and tells Arjuna that action and knowledge are the accumulated accolade of many functions, meant for the evolving person to be a Yogi. The very first yoga introduced to Arjuna is Karma Yoga.
In Chapter five Krishna repeats many points of view that concludes in the action of the righteous persona, described having rejuvenated his mind and body to stimulate the soul, to be activated by the universal consciousness.

Every verse in the Bhagavad Gita is Yoga. Did you ever find similarity or differences with those you liked or disliked relating to yourself or your family, society or your community, in the verses of the Bhagavad Gita, you read and understood?
  • Why do you think that Karma Yoga is recommended?
  • Did you understand the foundation and the structure of Karma Yoga?
  • Do you have a mentor, guru, leader or scripture to erase your doubts?