Saturday, September 29, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4

4. Jnana Karma Sanyaasa Yoga

Chapter four evokes logic in Duality with Atman and Dharma. Atman is the prime motivator of action and Dharma is one’s personal path in life with truth or righteousness, the fulfillment of which leads to the awakening of consciousness. Karma Yoga (yoga of action) and Jñāna (the Yog of Knowledge) is a dual contradictory subject that needs your judgment.
The brilliant logical explanation by the master settles the contradictory subjects by inspiring the intelligence to recognize consciousness.  Logic is the knowledge of consciousness that accommodates intelligent life. The master of all knowledge Krishna is the logic of an argument hence his claim of his protection is assured to the reader, his worshipers and his disciple Arjuna.
The Self in the Vedas and Upanishads is often symbolized by fire (Agni). The Rig Veda begins with the worship of Agni, who is the deity of the sacrifice. There are many forms of Agni in Vedic thought. Agni outwardly as fire and light and inwardly as life and consciousness pervade all things in the universe. Lighting a Deya has become a ritual to invite a divine aura, stimulating your Atma.

In this chapter there are many recommendations made by Krishna for a constant intellectual awareness for your mind to remain focused. “Knowing the thoughts or purpose behind your action” is a reminder to the intellect which needs evaluation at all times to avoid the pairs of the opposite for each action.

4. Me and My Gita

Krishna is the greatest manipulator and he tells Arjun of the action in Knowledge. A contradiction is a by-product of decision making, and he uses this fallacy to get Arjuna focused. Krishna, in short, tells Arjuna that he knows of all things happening and that he is there to destroy that untruth. For a Yogi like Krishna - past, present, and future are no different as it’s governed by rightness.
In Chapter four Krishna starts to impress Arjuna with the philosophy of Knowledge and that he is “Mr. Know it all” and tells Arjuna to know himself from the many intellectual and dull minds of society. He knows the history of the evolution of truth and the theories of action and that he is there in the illusion of time to find the virtuous solution when the need arises.

 A good start would be to act and evaluate your actions for this month.
  • The first is to evaluate “Truth and action “with respect to your knowledge and the conditioned mind.
  • Have you at any time thought of actions performed for no reason and envy those who have to say something?
  • Are you a reward oriented person?
  • Do you live for the day and yourself?
  • Evaluate all your actions and truthfulness for the day and do a SWOT analysis of each if that’s the way you are entertaining an auspicious month.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3

3. Karma Yoga

Chapter three explains the "art of work," karma-yoga. Krishna is an authority who mastered fourteen types of sciences (vidyas) and
 The master logically takes a singular ideology and brings in duality to identify your actions to satisfy your prescribed work (duty). An open invitation is given by the master to be his disciple
The life on earth was created with the matter, energy and intelligence, converting energy in    useful work, Or the five elements- earth, water, fire, air, and Akash (ether), according to most philosophical systems of India, these combine to constitute the Phenomenal Universe. Each life on earth has a prescribed duty to perform for the harmonious existence of each other, if not that life forms are eliminated. Work is an activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a result. Science describes work as the energy required to move an object against a force. Therefore action is a must. All beings are driven to action. This is the substance of intelligent life.
  •  Karma is then the destiny that you earn through your actions and behavior.
  •  Science describes Karma as a genetic trend you carry with every birth you take. Or the sum total of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
  • Karma is activated with “constant intellectual awareness” in a stimulated logical mind.Hence it is only identified with reason in the most advanced life forms, the Homo sapiens or Humans who then can awaken its sleepy consciousness.
  •  Karma needs a reminder at all stages, in the life span of human existence so that right actions are taken at the right time to fill full a designated birth. Karma Yoga is a grim reminder of the Bhagavad Gita to discipline the human mind to get work done.
  • Theosophy describes Karma as the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation. Karma then is known as voluntary or involuntary action being performed knowingly or unknowingly. This is the Vedic theory of “moral law of cause and effect”.

In this chapter the singularity of Karma is further described in terms of duality, action, and inaction. Many educated knowledge gathers are victims of only satisfying their desires of the senses when Karma gets lost in the social rut, turning actions into inaction, while experiencing pain and pleasure. Karma Yoga is an ugly reminder for a confused persona. A remedy to all actions is to be trained to be a Karma Yogi with constant logical awareness to perform duties without returns or rewards or the fruit of action finding a place with the cosmic consciousness.

Chapter 3. Me and My Gita

Arjuna considers Krishna as a friend and does not dilly-dally in querying his doubts. Krishna is a yogi and knows the uncertainties, acceptance, doubts, and delusions with contradictions of a confused intellectual mind. It is in such a situation Krishna conveys the most important message of the Gita.
“Know the thoughts behind your action.”
Krishna creates lots of confusion in the third chapter for self-realization. A true yogi will be the self-realized person who would stand in a category of his own. Krishna clearly makes a theme by telling Arjuna that if you do not want to follow me then follow other great people but follow someone for the realization of the senses, the mind, the intellect and the Atman (soul).

Live for a purpose and your intellect will guide your Atman

  • Have you ever practiced your thoughts with an honest consciousness or purpose?
  •  Have you been questioning religious customs and rituals with decisive action?
  • Did you ever disobey your thoughts and took action to please your senses or desires?
  • It’s said, the best decisions are made for own benefits or rewards: Are you a victim of this vice?
  • Have you imitated or followed successful people by studying their actions with respect to a SWOT analysis?

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita,Chapter 2

2.Sankhya Yoga 

This chapter allows you to identify, your pairs of opposites with your body and your Atma (Consciousness) as a divine relationship, enlightening the cosmic wisdom. With a realization that the surviving consciousness after the death of the body is not accessible for transaction since there is no medium through which it can express itself. To understand this you have to engage in a study of philosophy with a Master disciple relationship similar to Krishna and Arjuna. Duality is the character of Sankhya philosophy—the analytical study of matter and spirit

Chapter two’s ultimate message is that there is no death.
  • No one is truly born or dies.
  • Birth and death only belongs to the body.
  • You are immortal in your inner Divine nature as consciousness.
  • Atma or the soul has one to one relationship with consciousness.
  • Duality becomes personal and you are encountered with you and you’re self with attachments to the senses and desires.

Here is where modern Science confirms the science of the Vedas. There is no death!  


Researchers claim to have discovered proof for past universes may exist in the night sky – specifically the leftovers of black holes from another universe. As stated by New Scientist, the notion is grounded around something called conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC). Conformal Cyclic Cosmology is the theory that our universe goes through continuous cycles of Big Bangs and compressions, negating the possibility of having initiated from a single Big Bang.

The 5 physical features of consciousness:
Consciousness is not a part, product, property of the body. Or of the purified body - That is to say, the material substance of which the universe appears to be constituted is really nothing but pure Spirit/Consciousness.
Consciousness is an independent principle which pervades the body.
Consciousness is housed in the illusion of space and time
Consciousness does not have a beginning or an end.
Consciousness exists in ‘all’ but ‘all’ do not exist in Consciousness (All - the phenomenal universe - including all time and space or cosmos.)

The genesis of the Gita on the battlefield is one of the most captivating stimuli for a human brain. All life is a battle between the many dualities within you and your fields. Dual series - such as "I and Thou" (self and God), "I and it" (self and the world), and so on, also it means "Self and not-Self". Then you realize that life is not a simple face-off between the pair of opposites, dharma, and adharma, good and evil, good or bad, truth and untruth, success and defeat, black and white, positive and negative, living and dead. On a battlefield death is inevitable and that’s the one you fear the most
Chapter 2. Me and My Gita

Krishna does not hesitate for a moment and infiltrates into the mind of Arjuna with selective objective issues that trace the lives of an intellectual mind. Arjuna is insistent on his dogmatic issues of social and ritualistic customs to justify his words not to fight, with an argument that allows Krishna to dominate the talk with Arjuna’s rejections. In other words, Krishna tells Arjuna to shut up and listen.
Krishna then explains the theories of truth in relation to the mind, body, and soul (Atma). Costumes, rituals and social values have no place in a man’s life when he has to perform his duties. As a warrior death, desires and attachment are secondary.

Chapter two is about a conflicted mind with inward and outward actions. The awareness of the Atma(soul) is an inward experience and as for the rituals they are outward actions.

➤Do you understand yourself?

➤Are religious functions, prayers, fasting, puja, reading of scriptures, etc. “mere” rituals?

➤So what do you gain by performing “mere rituals “? Some will argue to say that we will acquire concentration of mind, discipline, non-attachment, will power, humility and so on.

➤But rituals are not necessary for one who has realized the self. 

➤Do you have that Knowledge

Monday, September 17, 2018

Cosmic Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1

1.Arjuna Vishaadha Yoga 

You have two available fields to activate your consciousness. Your choice may be from the many entities that you encounter and they suggest a path you choose from the many options you have. You have an optimal view of your thoughts from the many characters described in the first chapter and you may be a victim of despondency if your intellect is not stimulated with the required Dharma.

The Bhagavad Gita is a narration by Sanjaya, in the Mahabharat, of an enormous war that was just about to begin between two sets of cousins, the Kauravas, and the Pandavas. The first chapter is essentially a two-person conversation about philosophy and yogic principles between;
  1. The author Ved Vyas and the writer Ganapati
  2. Sanjaya and Dhritarashtra
  3. King Duryodhan and his teacher Dronacharya and
  4. Arjuna and Krishna

Chapter one of the Bhagavad Gita relates to the universal Duality
  • There are two fields and you have always a choice.
  • You and your relationship is what matters and that’s your premonition.
  • The dialogue is between two; you and your subordinates.
  • You are right and the other is wrong is a conceptual ego of your character.
  • Your path is the best and your acquaintances need to follow you.
  • You have an illusion that your weakness is your strength.
  • All relationship is one to one. So that you are also encouraged to have one to one relationship with the creator

Science of the Bhagavad Gita is written with a mathematical rhythm so that you are involved in the awakening of the consciousness from the very first chapter. This will invite divinity.
  • It uses the computer notation of the Binary system, one and zero hence two fields.
  • It is written in the rhyming meter called Anustup and contains 32 syllables in each verse. The verse has two sentences.
  • 3 + 2= 5. Five is also the rhythm in harmony with nature’s creation and two fields that communicates with our creator.
  • All dialogues are between two only.
  • No two are the same. One and zero is the only two that define the language of modern computers. Therefore one is not equal to zero or singularity is the aim but duality defines the logic of the subject.
  • Non-duality or singularity - monistic Consciousness is in which the knower, knowledge, comprehensible soul and God become one; the highest realization of Divinity.
  • Duality of science describes all functions real or abstract.

Chapter one of the Bhagavad Gita is one of the most important hurdles to cross to awaken your sleepy consciousness. Accepting the following will ease your understanding.

  • Understand firstly what Dharma is. Dharma is one’s personal path in life with truth or righteousness, the fulfillment of which leads to the awakening of consciousness.
  • Understand this chapter like the modern take away foods. Alike Pizzas, it comes in a square box in a round shape and you eat in triangles.
  • You will enjoy this chapter and the rest only if you acknowledge that all that you are about to read and comprehend is the truth and nothing else but the accepting consciousness, righteousness, dharma with a creator or God or a superior entity. 
  • Fear - The word "fear" includes also such states of mind as insecurity, despair, and grief, all of which arise from a realization of oneself as limited and separate from others and which therefore can be dispelled only by realizing oneself as the all.
  • Five elements- earth, water, fire, air, and ether; According to most philosophical systems of India, these combine to constitute the phenomenal Universe. 
  • The five main Vedic deities who are mainly Nature gods and who have touched the cycle of life of man: Surya Deva - Sun God Indra Deva- king of Gods Agni Deva - God of fire Vayu Deva - God of Wind Varuna Deva - God of water
  • Five objects of sense. - The world appearance is composed of the five objects of sense: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, and is not in reality connected with the Self.

Bhagavad Gita does not belong to any religion, It is a thought-provoking ideology without does and don’t.

Chapter 1 Me and My Gita 

The disturbed Duryodhan tells Dronacharya of the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats of his armed forces. Arjun complains of the socially structured values and fears trying to justify his action not to fight the war. With confusion, the evaluation of each does not justify the thoughts and action for the war.
In our human behavior before a fight, all blow their own trumpets (shout on top of their voices) and as a show of strength, anger dominates the occasion. Untruth is hidden in a false evolving argument.

Chapter one of the Bhagavad Gita is an example of the finest human behavior when action is needed in a crisis situation then only one starts to evaluate the situation and start blowing their conches.

➤Have you ever thought of personal evaluation and SWOT analysis of yourself?

➤Are you a victim of a confused personality always finding excuses with culture, rituals, health and the surroundings?

➤Then take a break and do a self-analysis of your mind, body with respect to your soul.

➤Yoga and meditative thought will be the tools you require while using Bhagavad Gita as your guide.

➤When you subscribe to celebrating achievements, amplifying strengths, attacking threats and overpowering weakness, then only you will feel rejuvenated.